Windows 8.1/10/11
Latest windows store releases:
No updates to older windows phone 8 versions.
Latest Windows 10+ version has 2 new stations - 'Echoes of Bluemars - Cryosleep' and 'Echoes of Bluemars - Words From Within'
Latest version alarms screen is now split into 2 screens main/add alarm.
Latest version has a new settings button. Plus moved import button from the main screen to the stations screen
Latest version allows the user to change the shape of the buttons between square and round.
Voice control on XBox, can be done via digital assistants such as google/alexa, as cortana is no longer available.
On XBox to quit the App when you change the theme, follow the instructions at this webpage - Close Xbox App
Latest Windows 8.1 versions shows figures for number of stations/favourites on the respective button on the main screen.
New versions on the app store for both Windows 8.1 or Windows 10+.Windows 10+ version has a working Dropbox, and new Casting which replaces the old Windows 8.1 PlayTo
Dropbox not working in Windows 8.1 there is a workaround, but requires the latest chrome/firefox/edge browser, plus Fiddler Classic setup to intercept https trafffic for this app(using the Winconfig option - select New Age player from the list, plus installing the fiddler cert to the machines root cert location), and decrypt it using the client tls1.2 option (see Tools,Options then https tab). Leave Fiddler running , whilst using the Dropbox part of New Age Player.
If you are a true New Age music fan please visit my New Age/Synth music site
On windows 10, to access App settings/share an internet radio station, you need to click on the top left list icon.
Recommend backing up your station data frequently using the Dropbox feature, just in case it becomes corrupt.If it comes corrupt then your app will currently crash on startup, in this case I suggest the best course of action is to uninstall and reinstall the app. This will re-generate a new set of default data, and if you have backed up your data on Dropbox, you can go and download it again
Note if installing from windows store to Windows 8.1, that you may not see New Age Player on the start screen, however on your start menu it will appear under the group labelled 'Modern UI Applications'. Also on the start screen if you goto the bottom left corner of the start screen, a downward arrow will appear. Click on the arrow and a full list of all installed apps will appear. Next find 'New Age Player', right click on it, and an options menu will appear, with the option to pin the app to the start screen.
Please note to use this, you will require a Windows 11 device with a working microphone
First, you need to enable Voice Access (see Use voice access to control your PC & author text with your voice).Once enabled, and Voice Access is not in Sleep Mode, then you can use Voice commands like "Open New Age Player", "Close New Age Player"
The following is a list of Voice commands that work with New Age Player, using the english(united states) model. These work on the Main Screen.
- "Open New Age Player"
- "Close New Age Player"
- "click on Play"
- "click on Pause"
- "click on Cast"
- "click on Stations"
- "click on Favourites"
- "click on Import"
- "click on Alarms"
- "click on Dropbox"
The following commands work on the Favourites Screen
- "click on Delete" (once station selected)
- "click on Share" (once station selected
- "click on Edit" (once station selected)
- "click on Internet Radio"
- "click on Play" (once station selected)
- To select a station by name, you can say "click on CINEMIX" for example. You can also use the Voice Access scroll commands (see Voice Access Commands List) to scroll through the list
The following commands work on the Stations screen
- "click on Delete" (once station selected)
- "click on Favourite" (once station selected
- "click on Edit" (once station selected)
- "click on Internet Radio"
- "click on Play" (once station selected)
- "click on Add"
- To select a station by name, you can say "click on CINEMIX" for example. You can also use the Voice Access scroll commands (see Voice Access Commands List) to scroll through the list
The following commands work on the Dropbox screen
- "click on Internet Radio"
- "click on Login"
- "click on Upload Stations" (once logged in)
- "click on Download Stations" (once logged in)
The following commands work on the Alarms screen
- "click on Internet Radio"
- "click on Clear"
- "click on Add"
- "click on Delete"
- "click on Delete All"
The following commands work on the Import screen
- "click on Cancel"
- "click on OK"
The following commands work on the Add station screen
- "click on Stations"
- "click on OK"
The following commands work on the Edit station screen
- "click on Stations"
- "click on OK"
The following commands work on the Edit Favourite screen
- "click on Favourites"
- "click on OK"
To change the theme, you would say "click on help", then "2". Next, you would say "click on Change Theme", then say "show numbers" , then say "4" to change slider position. Finally, you would say "click on close" to close the dialog.
To change the preferred voice, you would say "click on help", then say "2". Next, you would say "click on change preferred voice", then say "show numbers", then say "5". for example if you want to select Microsoft Mark, you would say "click on Microsoft Mark". Finally, you would say "click on Save" to save the change , or "click on cancel" to close the dialog. You can also use the Voice Access scroll commands (see Voice Access Command List)
To view the About dialog, you would say "click on Help", then say "2". Next, you would say "click on About". To close, you would say "click on Close".
To Check for updates, you would say "click on help", then say "2". Next, you would say "click on check for updates".
To View the Support Site, you would say "click on help", then say "2". Next you would say "click on Support Site", followed by saying "click on Yes" to continue loading, oe "click on No" to cancel..
To View Privacy Policy,you would say "click on help", then say "2". Next you would say "click on Privacy Policy", followed by saying "click on Yes" to continue loading, oe "click on No" to cancel..
Main Screen
- Stations button - Alt + S
- Dropbox button - Alt + D
- Help button - Alt + H
- Favourites button - Alt + F
- Import button - Alt + M
- Pause button - Alt + U
- Play button - Alt + P
- Cast button - Alt + C
- Alarms button - Alt + L
Dropbox screen
- Internet radio button - Alt + N
- Login button - Alt + L
- Upload button - Alt + P
- Download button - Alt + D
Stations screen
- Internet radio button - Alt + N
- Delete button - Alt + D
- Favourite button - Alt + F
- Add button - Alt + A
- Edit button - Alt + E
- Play button - Alt + P
Favourites screen
- Internet radio button - Alt + N
- Delete button - Alt + D
- Share button - Alt + S
- Edit button - Alt + E
- Play button - Alt + P
Import screen
- Cancel button - Alt + C
- OK button - Alt + K
Add/Edit Stations/Favourites
- Stations/Favourites button - Alt + S
- OK button - Alt + K
Alarms screen
- Internet radio button - Alt + N
Playto - to view more info on howto use a device with playto please go here
Casting - casting allows you to send the audio to another device such as a bluetooth speaker. The cast button in the app will list any capable device to send the audio to.
To add a new device you need to goto Settings, followed by the devices option. To send to a bluetooth speaker for example you need to turn the bluetooth option on.
Plus you can add a new bluetooth or other device via the add button. Also on the devices screen, you should see a list of all your other devices.
I got the bluetooth working with a various Bluetooth devices new/old. Was unable to Cast to a Smart TV.
To import a .pls/.m3u playlist from the internet:
- On the main screen, click on the button labelled 'Import Playlist'
- Once the Import Playlist screen is loaded, then manually type in the name of the station.
- next move to the url field, and type in the full web address of the pls/m3u playlist to import.
- next click OK button to import.
- if successful you will get a message telling you the station data was added.
- next click the cancel to return to the main screen - Internet Radio.
To play the imported station.
- On the main screen, click on the button labelled 'Stations'
- On the stations list, find the imported station.
- Double-click it to play.
- If autoplay is selected, then the station will load on the main screan and play straight away.
- Can now send your favourite station to an dlna-enabled device such as a hi-fi system/av amplifier/tv via the playto(win 8.1)/casting(win 10/11) feature
- Also added an edit option on the Favourites screen.
- Supports both MP3/AAC Shoutcast streams, and includes song info where provided.
- New improved User Interface with graphics
- App will continue playing music in the background
- Can control the volume/play/pause of the player screen, from the media keys on your hardware/software keyboard
- Import .pls/.m3u playlists through the new Import Playlist screen
- Can share your favourite internet radio stations with friends/family, via the share button
To load stations from shoutcast:>
- using Opera Mobile browse go to (only on first visit)
- select default media player and relevant bandwidth option and select save settings
- goto main shoutcast select a genre.
- click on the play button next to a station.
- this will bring up a complete action dialog - select opera mobile.
- next you will get a download file dialog - select a folder in the dropdown and click save.
- once download complete, click on the open button and select New Age Player in the open file dialog.
- this will then open New Age Player, and add the station info to the existing presets list.
Note that you may see duplicate station names but this is because some stations broadcast of multiple urls, and they list them all in the .pls, because they have a max number of listeners per url.
Should also work with the following sites as they provide .pls files (but must do settings on shoutcast first)

Main screen (Windows 8.1)

Dropbox screen (Windows 8.1)

Stations screen (Windows 8.1)

Add/Edit station screen (Windows 8.1)

Import Playlist screen (Windows 8.1)

Share Favourites button on Favourites screen (Windows 8.1)

Share Charm with email message ready (Windows 8.1)

Favourites screen (Windows 8.1)

Media Controls screen (Windows 8.1)

Main screen (Windows 10/11)

Dropbox screen (Windows 10/11)

Import Playlist screen (Windows 10)

Favourites screen (Windows 10/11)

Stations screen (Windows 10/11)

Add/Edit station screen (Windows 10/11)